What Challenges Do You Face?

16 12 2006

There’s a story I love from [Luke 9:51-56 - NIV].

“As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And He sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for Him; but the people there did not welcome Him, because He was heading for Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they went to another village.

I love this story because it is a great example of how man typically responds to obstacles and negativity versus how Jesus responds. John and James were upset. They wanted to destroy the villagers for rejecting Jesus with open arms.

Jesus on the other hand responded totally opposite. Not only did He show that vengeance was not the answer against the villagers, He rebuked (sharply corrected or disapproved) His followers for their actions. Jesus knew it was better to simply move on to another village, He turned the other cheek and moved on.

This passage is a great illustration of how we should deal with negativity, challenges and struggle. So what challenges do you face in your life that this passage could apply? Has someone hurt you? Are you dealing with a problem at home or work? Are you struggling with a question that you just can’t seem to find the answer to?

Post your comments below and we’ll join in a conversation together…



36 responses to “What Challenges Do You Face?”

16 12 2006
Shayani (19:55:17) :

thank you for the message shared. i know when God is really dealing with a specific issue. what really spoke to me was that Jesus set out resolutely towards Jerusalem, knowing what lay in store for Him, He probably saw the suffering stored in for Him. Yet He set out resolutely to Jerusalem trusting in God the Father. Though sometimes God’s plan for us in our limited perception seems hurtful and insecure to us, i am strengthened to know that my Father has plans to prosper me not harm me.
Prasie thee Lord!

16 12 2006
Alicia Tunby (22:04:23) :

I can not even fathom how different my Lord and Saviour’s reactions are from mine! I mess up all the time and he is the perfect lamb of God.There is no comparison even though we strive to be like Jesus, we know we still will mess up and thank my Lord that he still forgives! I love this truth because it is Jesus and his compassion for the lost and sinners in general. Oh if I could just get through the day without thinking a bad thought or saying something where I might offend others or saying something that I shoud not.I long for the day when Jesus changes my vile body to my glorious one so that I can be what I am truly supposed to be.His Child.So to answer the question of what challenges do I face right now? I am trying to become pregnant.This has been a challenge because I lost my first and my husband and I have been trying ever since. It is not something that you can have much control over so we are trusting in our Lord that he will give us a child when he sees that it is time. It is not in our timing but his! This is a challenge when you are 38 like me. I could probably go on but this is the greatest challenge at this time.

17 12 2006
TK (03:44:44) :

Just now my problem is that I am unemployed and I would ike to get work. We have very small incomes and struggle with money and food every day. I have to only trus that God is with us every day.

18 12 2006
Alicia Tunby (11:17:13) :

Oh how I stand convicted TK after reading your post. I pray that you and your family find jobs that better
support your needs.You are doing the right thing by trusting in God Almighty.He will see to your needs and he will not allow you to go hungry.Where you live is there any community support such as a Food Bank or a shelter that provides meals? Sometimes in my home town the community college has certain days that they give food items to those with low incomes. This is assuming that you live in the US. If so you can also apply for some food stamps. Please do not go hungry because you deserve these as much as anyone else does.There are a lot of things you can do to help you through this tough time. I lift you and your family up in prayer TK.

In the Love Of Jesus Of Nazereth,

Alicia Tunby

18 12 2006
Brother Cornelius (19:40:00) :

I am very much moved by the contributions from all and as a followers of Christ, one thing we need is ´´ JUST A LITTLE PATIENCE`. Anytime we act without having some time to ponder of what our Lord would do in that situation, we most often go wrong. I pray that we learn from James and John who wanted to take action without delay which would have been wrong and a mistake.
On the issue of what am facing right now, most of my everyday life has been church, church, church. We live in a place where churches that tries to reach a congregational number of 20 easily scatters and die out. The moment my wife and I got to this place 3 years ago, the news we heard in town was that, as for this place no church church matter, for everybody came to look for money. Four churches that existed with many congregational members suffered some attacks within and without, and collapsed remaining only one with a damage. Churches are despised everywhere within the area. They sound disgusting in the ears of people
My wife and I begun with a prayer fellowship and its now a small church. We got to 20 early this year but has been a stand still till now though we are praying very hard and doing all that we can as instruments of God. I know very well that He will do it at His own time. My prayer has been a challenge to the powers of darkness in this area, who through the mouth of some brethren told me to stop organising that fellowship for they know for sure it will not survive. May God be true and every man be a liar. May God deliver young men and women in this area from drugs, sex - party´s, prostitution, marriage couples with boy friends and girlfriends, and turn their hearts to His Kingdom. Help us in prayers.

Stay blessed,
Bro. Cornelius

23 12 2006
Calista (13:25:18) :

To TK,
When I have a challenge I humble myself and go down on my knees and pray, pray and then pray some more. I drown myself in tears as I cry out for help. Tears are cleansing for the soul. He closes a door but will open a window for you. Find a spot or even a corner, where you are alone to pray/cry and call out His name. After your sobbing has subsided, be very still and listen with your heart as He speaks to you. Now thank Him for the challenge because you feel closer to Him. God has not forgotten you. He knows your pain. He is testing your faith. Patience is a virtue. His will be done, not yours. The window is slightly ajar.

Keep the faith,

7 01 2007
Steve Simms (09:14:12) :

Life is a challenge, but that is a good thing. It would be very boring without real challenges. They give us something to overcome and make us storng.

Please visit my blog at: christianchallenge.blogstream.com (leave off www). Thank you and I like your blog very much. Keep up the bold stand for Jesus.

Steve Simms

17 01 2007
Barnabas Bwalya (05:23:03) :

My wife was acting impossible.I just didnt seem to understand her.I thought we were operating at different levels of faith.She would lose her cool at the slightest of irritation.
When I landed myself into debts I didnt share the information with her.I was praying for God to come through for me.My thought was, if I shared with my wife she would shout all day and bring unbelief to the whole situation.
When she suspected I was indebted,she shouted and gave threats and was especially mad that I never shared anything with her.When I decided to be honest with her(the shouting notwithstanding)She surprised me with her cooperation and willingness to assist with finding solutions to the whole debt.
In a way,being like Jesus is having the faith he had in his father.I limited God.I thought he couldn’t work through my wife.But the peace of mind I wanted came through my wife.If we had the faith Jesus had in his father we would leave the vegence to God and would not pay insults with insults.

20 01 2007
Daniel Samuel merdocai (10:54:58) :

Love your G-d with all your heart,mind,soul,strength.
Love your neighbour as yourself.
Love one another.
Love your enemies.
Love covers the multitude of sin.
Love edifies but knowledge puffes up.
Love is strong as death.

24 01 2007
Alicia Tunby (12:43:30) :

Amen Mr. Merdocai! That is what is most important!Thank you for your post. Also to Mr.Bwalya, you did the right thing telling your wife the truth about your debts. God will honor that and he does as you have seen by your wife’s reaction.We as husbands and wives should hold nothing back because we are to be truthful about everything. We are one in a union of matrimony and our God expects us to be just that One! If we have secrets than it just breaks down the trust barrier and then you have problems. Good for you Mr.Bwalya I am proud of you! Keep up the good fight for Jesus!

In The Love Of Jesus Of Nazereth,

Alicia Tunby

28 01 2007
Tammera (08:57:36) :

I find this passage funny as well because it’s exactly how I would have reacted. I also find it funny (as in humorous) as I picture myself telling some of my customers when they call in for support…”well sir, turn the other cheek and I’ll pray for you and your server that’s down.” I don’t know why but I just thought it was funny. LOL!
OK. On a more serious note I can see the useful application of applying this attitude of “moving on to another town” in many areas of my life.

14 02 2007
SISTER RIENA SHAW (09:27:59) :

Dearly beloveds in Christ,
I was introduced to EDWJ by Jesus Himself in the year 1998 through a seconds sale. Ever since I have been guided strengthened, straightened and matured through Selwyn’s writings. I am a fifty six year old single lady who gave up her secular job in the year 1998 to obey the Lord in serving Him. Besides the Lord I have as yet to come across someone thru whom I have not been hurt. I thru His grace scatter my bread upon all waters It takes God just 20 minutes to change a Hindu or a muslim. I live in India. I translate, edit, write. I wanted to translate EDWJ in Hindi. I had written to you but was told to contact the India office I contacted Hery Joseph and later Crystal Communications. None replied. Jesus is the first and the last so we cannot be like Him. God is the sovreign Creator and creates unique beings so we cannot even be like each other. We need to love God with our entire beings that is spirit soul and body, believe upon God’s Word and obey His commands. That is how I feel you may agree or disagree.
I am glad I chanced upon this page on your website.
God bless you and your ministries mightily.
With & in His love
Sister Riena Shaw

15 04 2007
imparare (02:05:39) :

Interesting comments.. :D

17 05 2007
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24 05 2007
Chantel (01:11:31) :

Jesus doesn’t think the way we do…therefore He won’t react the way we do. We live with a logical mind set and that is what holds us back from even scraping the surface of God’s magnificence! Example Faith - Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If we split it in 2 firstly God is saying faith is what makes up our desire(Things hoped for) and substance refers to something tangible - something that is actually there and even though it seems complex, God is saying your faith will make the “something” become real. God doesn’t work in a logical way and until we step out of the logical law of the mind realm and into the spiritual realm we will never understand and experience God in the way He intends. Another example: A man in dept calls upon God to save him from his debt and tells God to make him win the lotto so he can pay off his dept…Does God need the lotto to bless you? Are we limiting God? Do we have the odacity to tell the King of kings what to do? If we believe He is almighty and great then why don’t we trust Him to do great things? Why don’t we trust that He knows best…instead God would’ve let the bank’s systems go haywire and wipe out your bad debt completely without a trace bt instead we we want to tell him what he must do…in a logical fashion. My dear friend God is nothing close to logical - He is magnificent and great and he is almighty, he is miraculous, awesome and beyond anything we could ever fathom… God bless

7 06 2007
stab wound (13:57:35) :

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Variants of stab wound….

7 06 2007
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31 07 2007
Ermando Volaj (18:33:22) :

My challenge is my Mum !

My challenge is Me !

My challenge is the world !

How can you help me ?

. . . Anyway, I love my creator - JESUS .

31 07 2007
Ermando Volaj (18:41:51) :

. . . Because JESUS, is our Crony .
. . . Because JESUS, is our King .
. . . Because JESUS, is our Lord .

For real !

31 07 2007
Ermando Volaj (19:13:01) :

Hey Alicia Tunby !

How are you, good ?

Have your dream ( to become pregnant ) been realised ?

Don’t worry, the ways of GOD are unknowned by us, in many cases .

Wait, . . . and we shall see !

GOD is again there . . . Looking ,
. . . Determining ,
and . . . Deciding !


I hope is not ” the pregnant desire ” that maded you to be a searcher of GOD, and your crave to be approached by HIM !

Faith is more than our desires .

. . . But, I like your decisiveness in - ” Following GOD ”

It’s good for all of us !

Really .

18 10 2007
samora (08:29:19) :

please i want an answer for the following questions.1.when did christianity started.2.what is the gospel? 3.has God destined some people to hell?

14 07 2010
joe garcia (09:10:05) :

I am living with my wife that has had an affair for over 3 years. I don’t know if she wants to fix this or not. She does not want to open up or allow me to trust here. What would God do?

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